Templeton July Round up
Templeton is Holey
No, it isn’t a spelling mistake. Like many parishes in the area, Templeton has its share of potholes. The good news is that potholes in Templeton, or anywhere else in Devon, can be reported here: Potholes that have a 40 mm (4 cm) vertical edge and are 300 mm (30 cm) wide will be repaired.
So if you come across a treacherous pothole in Templeton itself, any of the roads which lead to Templeton, or any other parishes, you can report them. When you follow this link, just find the spot on the interactive map. There is also an emergency phone number - 0345 155 1004 - if a pothole presents an imminent threat to life, serious injury or serious damage to property. If you are concerned, please report a pothole.
Don’t assume that someone else will. If several people report the same pothole, that is also important because it helps Devon County Council to assess the potholes and the roads in question. Thank you to Templeton Parish Council for this information. Now let’s move from holey to holy!
Church Services
The Sunday Services at St Margaret’s Church are usually held twice a month, with a mix of lay-led services and group or cluster services, led by Steph or Claire, rotating between all nine parishes.
We are so grateful to Eleri for playing the organ for the church services, and to Margery for playing the organ for our services over the past few years and also in the future!
The services in Templeton over July and August will be held on: July 2nd at 10.45am (Morning Service), July 16th at 10.45am (Cluster Service Holy Communion and Baptism with Steph and Dave Edwards), August 6th at 10.45am (Family Service) and August 20th at 6pm (Evensong).
Past events in Templeton
Sunday May 7th - Big Coronation Lunch
Templeton took part in the celebrations for the coronation of King Charles III. There was a wonderful spread of delicious salads, meats, flans, pies, desserts and cheeses, contributed by all the villagers, which were indeed fit for a king! Thanks, Bruce for the delicious roast beef! The village hall supplied bread, potatoes and some of the meats, and excellent bottles of wine from the Jolly Vintner were available at cost price. There was plenty of bunting, colouring, a treasure hunt, and a coronation quiz!
King Charles had suggested that the bank holiday, Monday May 8th should involve inspiring people to volunteer. This national day was called The Big Help Day. Templetonians gathered at St Margaret’s Church in the morning, and together they brought the wooden pews and choir stalls to life with oils and beeswax polish. This work had been started by the Knit and Natter Group with expert guidance (and supplies) from Val. Thank you everyone who took part – St Margaret’s Church still has a wonderful aroma of beeswax.
Sunday May 14th - Templeton Tractor Run
This popular event started from, and ended at, Templeton Village Hall. Thank you, Roland and Reg, for organising a very enjoyable and successful Tractor Run. Wonderful classic and vintage tractors drove along a planned local route. Bacon rolls were available at the Village Hall before the Tractor Run, and upon their triumphant return, there was a pasty and a pint waiting for the hungry drivers. Thank you everyone who took part, and who came out to watch the event which, along with the draw, raised over £610 to support both the British Heart Foundation and St Margaret’s Church, Templeton. The winner on the day was Adrian Hunt’s beautiful vintage Deutz tractor!
Future events
Saturday August 12th - Templeton Summer Fete from 1.30pm at Templeton Village Hall.
Don’t miss this popular community event! This year’s Summer Fete will of course include the Grand Auction along with cream teas, hot dogs, pay bar, bric-a-brac, nearly new clothes, books, produce, tombola and games. Why not take a look through your cupboards now and seek out any items that you no longer need. We do say ‘it takes a village’ and we need volunteers to help with the stalls and make the day great fun for everyone! If you are able to spare some time in the afternoon of the fete, or on the evening before to set everything up, or if you want to know more, please email
Early September - Duck Race at Templeton Bridge (date to be confirmed).
This event will start from 2pm. The ducks have already started training and will make their way from Great Esworthy down the River Dart, finishing at Dartcoombe Mill. There will also be delicious cream teas, pasties, book sale, plant sale and bric-a-brac. Ducks will be on sale (£1 each) during the fete, at club nights, by contacting Roger and Bindy at 01884 860655 or emailing and on the day. Money prizes!
Saturday 30th September - Harvest Festival weekend
Will begin with a Harvest Supper at 7.30pm at Templeton Village Hall.
The bar will be open from 7pm. Do come along and enjoy this annual, delicious and plentiful supper to celebrate the harvest. The Full Harvest Moon occurs the night before, and is so named because this is when crops are gathered at the end of the summer and the moon appears particularly bright, letting farmers harvest into the night. Tickets will be £10.00 each (and £5 for 14-year-olds and under). All proceeds in aid of St Margaret’s Church.
Sunday 1st October at 10.45am - Templeton’s Harvest Festival at St Margaret’s Church.
We would be grateful if you could please bring any fresh fruit, vegetables, packaged or canned produce to the porch of St Margaret’s Church during the week before the service so that it can all be displayed in the church. All the produce will be donated to the Churches Housing Action Team (CHAT), and is always very much appreciated by the charity.
Saturday 4th November Bonfire and firework display from 6.30pm for 7pm.
This very popular event will take place at Templeton Village Hall. People really do come from far and wide to see it. The bar will be open and there will be delicious hot dogs for sale. So book the date now!
Regular groups.
Please note that these groups are not necessarily associated with the church. We are happy to list them, but can take no responsibility for what happens at non-church run events.
Art Group – Update.
The art classes were a huge success and thank you so much Lynda for leading them. As a result, it has been decided to carry on as an art group, but this time with Lynda only on hand to help when needed. The new art group meets at Templeton Village Hall fortnightly on Tuesdays 9.45 to start at 10am until 12 midday. During July and August, the art group will be on 11th and 25th July, and 8th and 22nd August. Everyone is invited. No charge. Just bring yourselves with whatever art work you are doing or want to have a go at, with Lynda there to help if needed. Coffee and cake provided. Look forward to seeing you there. If you want to know more, contact Lynda at .
Yoga sessions at Templeton Village Hall, are held every Thursday from 3.30pm until 5pm. Pat is an experienced yoga instructor based in Tiverton and can accommodate all abilities. Everyone is welcome, and Pat can adapt the class so that it can be seated for those who don't want to get on and off the floor. Just come along to Templeton Village Hall on Thursday, wearing comfortable clothes, and bring a yoga mat (or a thick towel or blanket), and perhaps a bottle of water. The cost is £9 per session. If you'd like to know more, please email Laurel at
Book Group.
The Templeton Book Group meets on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 3pm at Templeton Village Hall with coffee, tea and cake. Please contact Julie on 01884 233507 if you would like to know more. The July/August dates for the book group are 12th July and 9th August.
Knit and Natter.
Templeton Knit and Natter is on the last Friday of each month from 10.30am to 12 midday, in St Margaret’s Church, Templeton. Why not bring any of your repair work, knitting or embroidery with you, or just come along for coffee, biscuits and a chat. The next dates for Knit and Natter are 28th July and 25th August.
Templeton Village Hall and Social Club.
Please use Templeton Village Hall for any games of table tennis, darts, pool or skittles – they are all there for you to enjoy – or for a family get-together or a barbecue all set up and ready to use! Just call Bindy on 01884 860655 if you’d like the hall opened up, and to check first that there is not already a booking. The Social Club is open every Monday and Saturday evening from 8pm to 11pm – with a wide range of drinks available at very reasonable prices. Membership is only £2 a year.
Gardening Club.
Now that the summer is well under way, the garden group is in full swing. This is an opportunity for people to get together and talk gardens, help problem solve, suggest places to visit, share any other questions, eat cake and have a coffee. If you want to know more and would like to join in next time, just email Ginah at
Our deepest sympathies.
It has been a sad time in Templeton, having recently lost two pillars of our community.
We were so sorry to hear that Mike Beer passed away on the 23rd April. He had lived in Templeton for many years. Our deepest sympathy and our thoughts are with Sylvia and all the family at this sad time.
We also send our deepest sympathy and our thoughts to the family of Ken Reed who passed away on May 7th. Ken lived in Templeton all his life. He was brought up at Coombe Mill at Templeton Bridge and was a founding committee member of Templeton Village Hall. For many years, Ken was a member and chair of Templeton Parish Council. At his funeral at St Margaret’s Church on 1st June, the family walked behind his coffin which was transported on a horse-drawn cart from Templeton Village Hall to St Margaret’s Church. Ken will be remembered for his sense of humour and his many stories but will be missed.
Thoughts and prayers.
Our thoughts, prayers and best wishes are with all those who are unwell, who are receiving or awaiting treatment, who have been in hospital, recovering from surgery, or going through a tough time.