Exe Valley Mission Community
Home Groups

Courses, Prayer and Home Groups

Church isn't just about a Sunday, so we run regular week day meetings including prayer meetings, breakfasts and courses. Here are just some of the ones that are coming up.

Prayer Breakfasts

On the 4th Saturday of every month, we will be holding a prayer breakfast usually at the Rectory (but not always!).

Everyone is welcome, whether you've ever come to a prayer meeting before or not.

Next Prayer Breakfast: 26 October at 9.00am at The Cottage, Washfield.


Bible Study Group

Our regular Bible Study, run by Rev'd Tim Gorringe will be looking at a specific book of the Bible each month

The next meeting will be held in October 2024 at 2.30pm. (Date and location TBC)

If you would like to come along (simply to help with printing sufficient resources) please let Tim know by emailing: t.j.gorringe@exeter.ac.uk or contact The Church Office (01884 250417)


Weekly Reflections / Online Bible Studies

Each week we are making a set of reflections available for a reflective Bible Study and worship.