Our Safeguarding Policy
The Exe Valley Mission Community is a community of nine churches and each church has a detailed Policy in place which meets the standard required by the Diocese.
All those who are involved in work with, or come into contact with, vulnerable adults or children are required to undertake training at the appropriate level. This includes Church Council (PCC) members, clergy and the Safeguarding Officers for each parish.
The training is provided by the Diocese and its aim is to set safeguarding in the context of the church, and to familiarise trainees with church and state legislation, policies and practice.
The Safeguarding Officer of each parish reviews the Policy every year and any changes are reported to the PCC.
A copy of the Policy is available from the Safeguarding Officer for the Mission Community, Cindy Trick, who can be contacted by phone on 01363 866621 or by email is
Diocese of Exeter
For more information and resources please see the Safeguarding page on the Diocese of Exeter website, as this will be kept up to date with the details of their team and the different agencies and services that you may need to contact:
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