News: Happy New Year 2025 from Loxbeare Church: News: Happy New Year 2025 from Loxbeare Church

News: Happy New Year 2025 from Loxbeare Church

By the time we receive our magazine, we will have celebrated the birth of our saviour, Jesus Christ, and enjoyed times of sharing together. We now wish everyone a Happy and peaceful New Year. With much-continuing uncertainty, war, and suffering in our world and much fear of the future, may we remember those who have so little having lost so much.

At the time of writing, we trust everyone stayed safe through the storm Darragh, with only minimal damage.

Thank you to those who took part in the Remembrance Service as we remembered the bravery & sacrifice of many in our forces in conflicts past & present.  A sum of £165.00 from the offering, with £177.00 raised at the soup lunch £282.00 was given to the Devon branch of the Royal British Legion.

Thank you to all who have taken time for our monthly prayer days, held on the 1st weekend of each month.  January 4/5 & February 1/2.  Anyone wanting prayer or prayer pointers contact Jean on 01884 881400 or Carol 01884 881480.

Thank you again to all who gave or donated towards the Blythwood Appeal.  A total of 32 shoeboxes were given to those who would have had little or no presents this Christmas.

Our services for January/February.  January 5 morning praise 10.45.  January 12 Morning Praise we will join with Calverleigh for the cluster service.  The 19 January will be morning Praise at 10.45, and the group service on 26 January will at Loxbeare with Children liturgy at 10.45 with Steph & Dave.

February 2 no service, February 9 will be cluster service with Ti, Gorringe.  16 February morning praise at 10.45.  February 23 group service.

There will be a PCC meeting at Jean's on February 4.

In November a number of us met at the Lighthouse browsing the cards etc & showing a most enjoyable evening.  Many thanks to Penny & Kelsie for the wonderful meal they provided & we all enjoyed very much.

Many thanks & much appreciation to those who have kept the churchyard so neat & tidy during the year & for any general maintenance of the Church inside & out.  Also thank you to all who have supported & contributed in any way to the running of the church.  For time & commitment of those who have faithfully taken & helped in various ways in the church services.  Thank you to all who have given financially over the past year.  If anyone would like to support the church with regular donations or a one-off gift please contact Carol on 01884 881480.

We say goodbye to Sue who having lived in Loxbeare all her life has moved to Tiverton.  We will miss her very much with all her kindness & help but we know she will continue to come back having many friends here & being involved with Church & Village life.  Also goodbye to Gary & Shirley who have moved to Gittisham nr Honiton.  We wish them the best & happiness in their new homes.

We welcome Jamie, Libby & daughters Jemima & Frances into Long Barn and James, may & daughter Aspen into Leigh Mill.  We hope you will soon settle and be very happy in your new homes.

Our thoughts and prayers are with all who are unwell, those who have spent time in hospital, those recovering, and also those waiting for operations or further treatments.  We also remember any who have lost loved ones recently.

Congratulations to Anne on the birth of a lovely great grandson Archie Henry to Katie & Mark, Katie is the daughter of David & Mary.  Best wishes to you all.  Congratulations too to Jean and Richard Denton on their wedding on November 30.  Jean quite often comes to play the organ for us for which we are very grateful.

Happy Birthday to all with birthdays in January & February 7 congratulations to all celebrating special occasions.

On January 11 there will be a soup lunch in the Hall 12.30-2.00 & February 8 cream tea 3.00-4.30.


News: Happy New Year 2025 from Loxbeare Church

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