Loxbeare November Round Up 2024
Autumn is now upon us, but still much to enjoy with the lovely autumn & crisper mornings, before winter really sets in, but hopefully not too cold & wet!
Our Harvest Celebrations this year were incorporated in the Group Harvest Festival hosted by Loxbeare on the 29 September. It was good to share with other parishes in our thanks to God for all His 'good gifts around us'. The service was led by Steph with Tim Gorringe giving the message on creation with a humorous sketch depicting the various stages of the creation. The workshop was led by the choir & Dave. Many thanks to all who took part & for everyone who came, also to all who gave produce & decorated the church so lovely. To those who helped in any way from providing a field for parking, our 'parking stewards' & those who had cleaned the church & all the hard work tidying outside.
We held our Harvest Supper on the 1 October & the money raised of £207.00 from tickets for the meal & auction of produce went to CHAT. Thank you to our auctioneer & assistant! & to those who provided & helped in any way for the wonderful food we all enjoyed.
Our services here at Loxbeare in November/December will be 3 November at 10.45, 10 November will be Remembrance at 10.50. There will be no service on the 17 November.
The Group Advent Service on the 1 December will be at 6.00 at Oakford. December 8 will be our Christingle service at 10.45. The 15 no service, 22 December Carol Service at 6.30 and Christmas Day Service will be 10.00 taken by Steph.
The dates for our monthly prayer weekends will be November 2 & 3, December 7 & 8. Anyone wanting prayer pointers contact Jean on 881400 or Carol 881480. May we pray for our Church, Village, the Exe Valley & the many needs around the country & the world. For those in the war zones of Ukraine and the middle east etc.
Our thoughts and prayers are with all who are feeling unwell. For those who have spent time in hospital, waiting for operations or further treatments. We also remember those who have lost loved ones recently.
Happy Birthday to all with Birthdays in November/December & congratulations to all celebrating special occasions. Congratulations to Jean on the birth of a grandson, Archie Stuart, to Antonia & Ben, brother to Freddie. Best wishes to you all.
Anyone still wishing to donate to the Blythewood Shoe Box Appeal. If you have your own boxes these need to be at the Church or given to Carol by the 15 November.
There will be an opportunity for anyone to donate gifts or help pack boxes at the Church on November 6 at 7.30 with gifts donated or bought with money raised at the coffee morning at Jeans held on 19 October. Thank you to everyone who has been involved & has helped in any way.
On the 20 November we will be having our annual supper at the Lighthouse 6 for 6.30. Contact Jean on 881400 if you would like to go. Places are limited.
Our ploughman's lunch in September raised £97.50 with a very generous donation of £140 which was given to CHAT.
There will be a soup lunch on Nov 2 12.30-2.00 with a Bring & Buy. Donations from this and the Church collection on Remembrance Sunday will be in aid or the R.B.L. December 7 Christmas cream tea/fayre 2.30-4.00. Thank you to all who donate to the different charities each month & help in any way at these events.
The Bingo evening will be on the 2 December 7 for 7.30 in the Village Hall.
Carol Singing. Please see details under Calverleigh news.