Exe Valley Mission Community


Calverleigh July Round Up 2024

As we move further into the summer months we are blessed by God’s goodness everywhere. (Though at time of writing the weather is still decidedly chilly!)

To all pupils and students who are now well into exam timetables, we pray that it is not too stressful and that you gain what you need to proceed to the next stage of your education or career.

A service of Thanksgiving for the life of Geoffrey Walker took place on 22 April. Geoff lived for many years in the village and during some of that time was the Treasurer at the village hall. He also dedicated his latter years to looking after his wife Mary after she was taken ill, making her remaining years as comfortable as possible. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family and with those others who have more recently lost a loved one.

Saturday 4 May saw our Annual Day of Prayer, where 12 hours of continuous prayer is covered in half hour time slots. Those taking part pray wherever they feel most comfortable and we are extremely grateful to all taking part which amounted to over 30 people from around the valley, Tiverton and further afield.

On 5 May we welcomed David Edwards to St. Mary's where he not only provided the music for our service but also shared the service with Aubrey by delivering the sermon as well.  Thank you, David for your thought provoking words and for all you do in Mission Community services.

Our APCM took place in May with Rev'd Steph chairing the meeting. Aubrey Goldsworthy and Jackie Herniman were nominated, proposed and seconded prior to the meeting and both accepted to continue for at least another year. The PCC, David Burton, Shirley Goldsworthy, Julie Goldsworthy, Sheila Greenslade, Lorna Thomas, remains the same as last year with all accepting and agreeing their nominations. Mr Goldsworthy is also continuing to serve as the Deanery Synod rep, Miss J Herniman continues as Treasurer with Mrs J Goldsworthy as PCC Secretary and Safeguarding rep. Everyone was thanked for their continued support of St. Mary's along with all those on church rota's who work hard to keep both inside and outside the church looking good for all parishioners and visitors alike. Your time and all you do is much appreciated. Thank you all. If you're interested in joining the PCC? Get in contact.

The wedding of Toni and Craig took place on 25 May. The sun shone, the church looked lovely and was filled with family and friends of the happy couple. We wish Toni and Craig much happiness in their future life together.

A service of Thanksgiving for the life of Anne Roxbee Cox took place at Calverleigh on 30 May. Anne had become a regular 'zoomer' during lockdown and our thoughts and prayers are with her family and friends at this sad and difficult time. We send our best wishes to all who have been unwell recently or have been awaiting treatment and hope that you will soon be feeling much better soon.

Congratulations to those of you who have celebrated a significant birthday, anniversary or the arrival of a new member to your family recently. Our very best wishes are with you.

As we move closer to the end of the school year may you all have a restful, safe and happy Summer break whether you are staff or pupils so that you feel ready for the beginning of the new school year in September.

Forthcoming Events

The Annual Produce Show takes place on Saturday 24 August at 2:30pm.

Schedules are available to download from the Church website or if you prefer a printed copy please contact Mo and Paul on 01884 258770.

Entry forms need to be in by Friday 9 August for those wishing to take part and exhibits should be in place by 11am on the day of the event. Doors then open at 2:30pm to admire everyone's efforts!

Refreshments will be available and any donations of draw prizes would be greatly appreciated. Go on - give it a go, there's something for everyone to grow or make, whatever your age or ability and all proceeds go to the upkeep of our lovely Church, win win!

Dates for your diary:

  • 7 Jul: Open Air Service @ 3pm
  • 24 Aug: Produce and Flower Show
  • 14/15 Sep: Harvest Weekend
  • 16 Nov: Autumn Fayre

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