Loxbeare March Round up 2024
It is good to see signs of spring with many flowers & buds already making their appearance, birds singing & days beginning to lengthen, giving us hope of drier!!! & warmer days.
Christmas seems so long ago now, but we thank all who prepared services, took part, decorated the Church, or helped in any way over the Christmas season to bring joy and blessing to others. Christmas Day we joined with Calverleigh for a lovely service taken by Steph as we celebrated Jesus' birth together. A donation of £300 was given to Children's Society from the Christmas offerings at Loxbeare.
Thank you to those who gave up their time to go Carol singing on three nights this year around Loxbeare and Calverleigh, for those who provided supper & those who gave so generously donations amounting to £700 split between Devon Air Ambulance & Fore.
There will be a PCC meeting on March 12th. The monthly prayer weekends will be 2nd / 3rd March and 6th / 7th April. Anyone wanting prayer or prayer pointers please contact Jean on 881400 or Carol 881480.
Congratulations to Matt & Mel on the birth of their little girl Maisie Dawn the beginning of December. Best wishes to you all. Happy birthday to all with birthdays in March/April & congratulations to all celebrating special occasions.
We send our love, prayers & sympathy to any who have lost loved ones, to Margaret on the death of her brother. We pray for Margaret R & Marlene & all who are unwell or waiting for treatments or operations. For those who are finding the winter months long & dreary & are restricted in not being able to get out much. May we have some warm sunshine soon to help make us feel better & look forward to the spring. Although it has been so wet I am sure we are all grateful it was not snow & ice.
Village dates March 9th there will be a soup lunch 12.30pm to 2.30pm & April 13th cream tea 3-4.30pm. £76 was donated to the Alzheimers Society from the February cream tea.
March 25th will be Bingo evening. Doors open at 7.00pm eyes down at 7.30pm.