Exe Valley Mission Community


Online or Phone Meetings and Services

Zoom Coffee Morning

I hope that you have received details of our Zoom Coffee Morning. To take part you will need to download the Zoom app onto your computer, tablet or phone. Make sure your microphone and camera are working! When the time comes for our coffee morning to begin ask to join a meeting and put in the meeting ID and password. You should then be connected. If you have a problem, ring me on 01884 250417 and I will try and talk you through! The ID and password for our coffee morning on 15 April 2020 at 10.30am are: Personal meeting ID 793-090-6831 Password 062601.

Conference Call Coffee Morning

If you can’t use Zoom but would still like to meet up and chat please join a conference call coffee morning using our usual numbers: Dial in number 0330 606 0403 Access Code 546789# on Thursday 16 April at 10.30am.

Film Club

With our movements restricted the television can be good company and help us pass away the time. If you find yourself watching a lot, why not put it to good use and join our Film Club? Watch a film that is on TV and then talk about it with others over a cup of tea. The first Film Club film is: Victoria and Abdul which is showing on BBC2 on Saturday 11 April 2020 at 9.15pm. If you can’t watch it then, or record it, it should be available on BBCiplayer. Our first Film Club meeting will take place on Monday 20 April in the afternoon. Please could you let Robert (robert.j.gordon@btinternet.com or 01884 254079) or Steph (office@exevalleymissioncommunity.org 01884 250417) or Dawn Williams (dawnannwilliams1@gmail.com or 01398 324035) know whether you would like to join in with the Film Club, and whether you would prefer Zoom or Conference Call? We can offer both if required and will give you the precise details later.

Bible Study

These days are difficult for so many of us, but they also provide opportunities. Maybe having more time on our hands means that we have more time to study the Bible. Why not join our Zoom Bible Study group on Wednesday 22 April? Please can you let me, Robert or Dawn know if you would like to join and whether you would prefer the afternoon or the evening? More details to follow.

Words of Hope

Don’t forget to keep sending us your favourite Bible passages – and if you like tell us why they are special. We are hoping to put them on the website so that we can share our Words of Hope.

Robert and Steph

7 April 2020

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