Exe Valley Mission Community

Templeton Harvest Supper 2024

Templeton Village Hall
5th October 2024
7:00pm - 9:30pm

Cost: £10 for adu

Saturday 5th October – The Harvest Festival weekend - Harvest Supper at 7.30pm at Templeton Village Hall

Please do come along and enjoy this annual, delicious and plentiful supper to celebrate the harvest. The bar will be open from 7pm. We will also be celebrating the talented artists in Lynda’s art group with a display of their art work – and there is some more entertainment planned! Tickets will be £10.00 each (£5 for 14-year-olds and under).  All proceeds will go in aid of St Margaret’s Church.

Sunday 6th October at 10.45am - Templeton’s Harvest Festival at St Margaret’s Church

We would be grateful if you could please bring any fresh fruit, vegetables, packaged or canned produce to the porch of St Margaret’s Church during the week before the service so that it can all be displayed in the church. All the produce will then be donated to the Churches Housing Action Team (CHAT). Your gifts are always very much appreciated by CHAT and they have asked us to pass on their deepest thanks.

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