Exe Valley Mission Community


Loxbeare January Round Up 2023

By the time we receive our magazine, we will have celebrated the birth of our Saviour Jesus Christ, and held our Christmas services.  We now wish everyone a Happy and peaceful New Year.  With much uncertainty and suffering in our world may we not forget the many who have so little and those who have lost so much.

It was good to meet together at the Advent Group Service at Oakford on 27 November.  We thank them & all who took part including the Exe Vally Choir and Steph who led the service.  It was a lovely service & the choir sang so well.

Thank you to all who took part in our Remembrance Service as we remembered the bravery & sacrifices, some with their lives, of all in our forces & give thanks to them.  A sum of £225 was given to the Royal British Legion from the Loxbeare Community.

A PCC meeting will take place on 24 Jan at 19.30 in the Church.

Please see the middle pages of the magazine (or the services page on the website) for dates, times & places for our meetings

Many thanks and much appreciation to those who have kept the Churchyard so neat and tidy during the year and for any general maintenance of the Church etc.  Also thank you to all who have supported and contributed in any way to the running of the Church.  For time and commitment given by those who have taken and helped in various ways in the Church services.

We thank all those who have given financially over the past year.  But our outgoings, at present, are exceeding our income.  If any would like to support the Church with regular donations or a one-off gift we would be very grateful. Please contact Carol on 01884 881480 if you are interested.

Forthcoming notice. 

A flower & craft festival is being planned in the Church over the Kings Coronation weekend.  More details in the next magazine.

Thank you to Jean for organising & holding a Coffee Morning on 29 October in aid of Blythwood Shoe Box Appeal, which with donations raised £340.  Many thanks to those who supported and gave including those who gave shoeboxes already filled.

We pray & remember Stephen and all who are feeling unwell, having treatment, or waiting for appointments/treatments.

Happy Birthday to all who have birthdays in January/February and anyone who will be celebrating special occasions.

There will be a Christmas/New Years' Party on Saturday 14 January in the Village Hall at 18.00.  There will be a Bring and Share Supper.  Come along & join in.

The January cream tea will be later than usual in the month on Saturday 28 at 15-16.30.  In February it will be back to the second Saturday on Feb 11.

So as we go through the winter months of Jan/Feb we trust the weather will be kind.  May we not forget those who are on their own during the long dark nights, feeling lonely and not able to get out as much.


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