Welcome to St Catherine, Withleigh
Built by the Carpenter family, and opened in 1847 as a chapel in the parish of Tiverton. The site was formerly that of a medieval chapel of ease, the remains uncovered during excavation for the present building. Extensively repaired and modernised in the 1960s, with lowered ceiling, strip lighting, and a new vestry. The organ is an historically interesting instrument, having some unusual features. A parish from 1886, and now one of nine in the Exe Valley Team. St Catherine’s is a community church which seeks to care for the members of the community who all regard it as theirs.
There are weekly services, which include Family service, Holy Communion, and Morning Worship (Service of the Word from Common Worship).
A warm Withleigh welcome is extended to all visitors to St Catherine’s.
- Parking - limited roadside parking by the church. Use of Village Hall car park.
- Toilets - in Village Hall.
- Amplification in church.
- Wheelchair ramp available.
How to find us
Church Warden
Brenda Tucker
Call: 01884 252431 or Email: tucks@btconnect.com
If you have a concern about the safety of someone or the action of someone working with children and vulnerable adults, please speak to someone:
Cindy Trick is the Mission Community Safeguarding Representative. She can be contacted on 01363 866621 or cindy@trickfamily.eclipse.co.uk.
The Diocesan Safeguarding Team are:
- Safeguarding Adviser - Mr Costa Nassaris
01392 294969 / 07809 33950 - Assistant Safeguarding Adviser - James May
01392 294969 - Assistant Safeguarding Adviser - Rebecca Lane
01392 294975 / 07889 542640
Email: rebecca.lane@exeter.anglican.org
For more information about the Exeter Diocesan Team, please see the Diocese Website.
If you are a young person and you feel unhappy about something happening you can call Childline on 0800 1111. Please see our Safeguarding page for full information and policies.